Friday, February 24, 2012

Bullhead City, AZ

Saturday, the 18th, we spent part of the day hiking in Grapevine Canyon (yes, me too!). It was quite an adventure! We started out in the wash at the bottom of the canyon and made our way to the rocks that were decorated with petroglyphs. Then we climbed the rocks and boulders that spanned both walls of the sides of the canyon. I decided to call it quits about 2/3 of the way up the canyon, since the face of the rocks was quite smooth and difficult to scale. Mel stayed with me because of a heel injury, and Dan went all the way to the top! There were a few heart-stopping moments during his descent, but I was glad when he made it relatively unscathed (except for when he tangled with a cactus!).

A view from the bottom!

A view from where I stopped climbing.
Dan - at the top!

After leaving the canyon, we traveled up the mountain to Christmas Tree Pass. There were no Christmas trees as we would know them, but large juniper-like bushes that are decorated for Christmas and even a few for Mardi Gras! The varieties of cacti were interesting, and the view from the outlook at the top was spectacular!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you didn't run over that bald guy in front of your truck in the next to last picture! Remind Dan to watch out for the "wildlife."

    Pictures simply cannot capture the splendor of creation, but these have turned out beautifully. I can't wait to hear all about the trip!
